Monday, August 31, 2009

Southern Boil Success!

We couldn't have had more fun! We had more than double from last year....beautiful weather, met new friends... what more can I say- other than JOIN US next year! and come to the next event in September- Stuffed Salmon and Steak! Thanks Trac for helping me with the pics!

"The Carter's did it again! The food was amazing and no-one left hungry. What a unique experience for everyone, from the great food to the setting, it was a hit. One we are sure to repeat. Thanks" The Iversons
"The food was great and lots of it! We had a wonderful time eating, enjoying family and friends, and eating, and enjoying the beauty of Salem Pond, and eating. I can hardly wait for the next two events. Count us in!" Jackie
"We had a wonderful time and enjoyed eating all we wanted of the great sea food, bread and dessert. Thank you and we look forward to this next year." Brent
Winners of the dinner for two! It was so nice to meet the Martin's! and how wonderful of their daughter to give them the tickets! Winners of the 2 for 1- Jo & "K" who came all the way from Layton to join us. Wonderful people! So sorry Jo, for running out of gas just inside of town!

"It was a real experience...tons of was fun and we ate like...well, not exactly like kings...but maybe like "oink!" Thanks for thinking of us...the couple in charge were great...Wow" - the Martins (email written to their daughter after the meal)
View of our beautiful pond. We love our town.

1 comment:

  1. What a great meal. I look forward to eat each year. Thanks for putting it on.
